Robin Field

The Rational Inquirer

This is a collection of my own letters and emails answering mostly philosophical questions asked by various young friends (whose names I have deleted) over the last several years. It may be considered a follow-up to the Philosophical Workshop lectures I wrote and first delivered in 1981, in which I introduced the purpose, history, branches, and vocabulary of philosophy to a live audience, welcomed questions, and explicitly advocated Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. At that time I cautioned my audiences that I was not an accredited or authorized teacher of anything, just a lifelong student of philosophy. That is still the case. But I have studied and lived by Objectivism for over fifty years—and still regard it as the only true philosophy.

Disc 1

  1. Introduction 1:42
  2. Analyzing a Letter from a Theologist 9:41
  3. Does the Bible Say That Selfishness Is Wrong? 10:22
  4. What Does It Mean to Be Logical? 8:11
  5. Infinity and Eternity 2:23
  6. Does the Bible Make Predictions? 6:19
  7. Is Capital Punishment Right? 5:01
  8. What Are the Main Religions? 10:07
  9. More Anti-Self in the Bible 1:31
  10. What If God Existed, What Difference Would It Make? 8:25
  11. What Are Logical Fallacies? 13:21

Disc 2

  1. Infinity, Thales, and Hylozoism 3:41
  2. Does Philosophy Begin with “I Exist”? 2:12
  3. More on Infinity 5:49
  4. What Are Abstractions and Concretes? 4:20
  5. Doesn’t “Change” Invalidate the Law of Identity? 1:50
  6. Is Pornography Art? 1:20
  7. What Is “Plato’s Cave”? 5:38
  8. How Should I Argue for Selfishness? 5:58
  9. How Should I Argue against School Prayer? 6:09
  10. The Meaning of Meaning 9:50
  11. How Did Selfishness Become a Bad Word? 4:04
  12. What Is Solipsism? 2:07
  13. What’s Going on in Higher Education? 5:20
  14. What Is the Meaning of Life? 5:01
  15. An Important Element of Love 0:38
  16. Can Music Be Judged Objectively? 2:53
  17. Did You Think You Were Like an Ayn Rand Hero? 8:10

Disc 3

  1. Do Animals Have Rights? 5:30
  2. Corrections on Concepts 6:57
  3. Is It True That No Two Things Can Be Exactly the Same? 2:32
  4. My Girlfriend’s Parents Think I’m a Bad Influence on Her 5:35
  5. Can’t One Compromise Morally and Still Be Happy? 4:22
  6. How Should I Deal with Romantic Rejection? 3:39
  7. Is a Brilliant Mind the Basis of Self-Esteem? 1:08
  8. Is a Brilliant Mind the Basis of Self-Esteem? (continued) 1:12
  9. Doesn’t Romance Depend on Luck? 1:08
  10. Is Self-Esteem Based on Productiveness? 1:28
  11. A Few Questions on Capitalism 4:45
  12. Why Should We Return to the Gold Standard? 0:46
  13. A Few Questions on Politics 4:44
  14. What Does It Mean to Be Assertive? 1:31
  15. Modern Fallacies about Sex 6:03
  16. Don’t the Star Wars Films Depict Nazism? 2:22
  17. How Can We Be Equals, Since You Know So Much More? 2:12
  18. Fallacies of Some Homosexuals 5:34
  19. Self-Esteem Trouble 7:10

Disc 4

  1. Modern Politics 9:51
  2. Detecting Fallacies 1:10
  3. How Do You Explain Why You Don’t Believe in God? 2:43
  4. What Is Love? 2:47
  5. Love as Sacrifice – Love as Emotion 2:29
  6. My Introduction to a New Objectivist Book 1:44
  7. What’s the Case for Capitalism? 8:06
  8. Infinity and Dimensions 5:02
  9. What Are Natural Rights? 1:14
  10. Does Reason Disprove God? 4:25
  11. So Objectivism Says We Don’t Know If God Exists? 5:21
  12. How Did Obamacare Become Law? 3:23
  13. Another Corrupt Biography of Ayn Rand 10:00
  14. A Tiny Fallacy 1:37
  15. More Infinity 3:34
  16. Axioms and Proof 6:06
  17. Can You Prove Logic? 1:41

Disc 5

  1. Love and Sex 5:28
  2. Love: Complex and Simple 6:12
  3. The End of Existence? 2:20
  4. Luke Warm 3:26
  5. Neutrino Knowledge 5:16
  6. Capitalism Q&A 7:19
  7. More on Capitalism 4:29
  8. What Should I Do with Emotional Pain? 5:45
  9. Emotions and Thought 4:58
  10. The Watch 2:31
  11. Isn’t This Rather the Fallacy of Imperfect Analogy? 1:12
  12. Posit or Postulate? 2:33
  13. Strategic Voting 2:22
  14. Einstein 4:36
  15. Logic Taught Illogically 4:53
  16. Gay Marriage 5:03
  17. Gay Marriage and Illegal Immigration 2:31
  18. Marriage and Independence 2:20

Disc 6

  1. May I Borrow Your Copies of Reason Magazine? 1:27
  2. Emotions Are Children 2:10
  3. Love and Values 4:10
  4. Is “Over the Rainbow” a Jewish Song? 4:07
  5. Political Correctness 2:40
  6. What Happens to People in Debt During a Dollar Crisis? 7:16
  7. Big Bang Theory and Reasonable Doubt 2:02
  8. Why Does Galt Fault Those Who Choose Not to Think? 4:17

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