Robin Field

Philosophical Workshop

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In the following lectures (edited from a series I gave in 1981 and ’82), I offer a guided tour of history’s most beloved and disastrous ideas—and the opportunity to accept or reject them consciously. I am going to share with you the studying I have done, to summarize and translate it into plain English, to show the meanings and practical consequences of the major philosophies of history up to the present, and to introduce Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism as the best answer to all of them. I am going to present this material in a logical order, with definitions of the important words, and direct quotations from the major philosophers, so that you may judge their ideas for yourself.

Disc 1

  1. Introduction 12:13
  2. Q&A 6:53
  3. Philosophy So Far, or Close but No Cigar 15:46
  4. Philosophy So Far, or Close but No Cigar (continued) 17:12
  5. Q&A 7:40
  6. Reality, or It’s a Jungle out There 13:48

Disc 2

  1. Reality, or It’s a Jungle out There (continued) 12:47
  2. Q&A 7:37
  3. Reason, or Unmistaken Identity 17:56
  4. Reason, or Unmistaken Identity (continued) 20:11
  5. Q&A 7:21

Disc 3

  1. Right and Wrong, or What’s in It for Me 17:07
  2. Right and Wrong, or What’s in It for Me? (continued) 17:26
  3. Q&A 4:27
  4. Rights: Freeliving or Freeloading 21:28
  5. Q&A 3:57
  6. Art: Food for Thought or Poison 11:53

Disc 4

  1. Art: Food for Thought or Poison? (continued) 9:52
  2. This Is Ayn Rand Speaking 18:17
  3. This Is Ayn Rand Speaking (part 2) 26:21
  4. This Is Ayn Rand Speaking (part 3) 12:26

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