Robin Field

Reason in Rhyme (1981)

Reason in Rhyme (formerly Three Questions) is a one-man show, a musical-comedy introduction to philosophy, written by Robin Field in the 1970s. This version (January 24, 1981, at the Convention Center in Big Bear Lake, California) was its first performance for the general public, rather than invited guests. The evening was produced by Cris Todd and Marina Dorcy, sound system provided by Dick Todd, and videotaped by Video Events of Hollywood. The audience of about 400 adults, teenagers, and children gave Field a standing ovation. It was recently posted on YouTube and received over 5,000 hits.

NOTE: Reason in Rhyme is an entirely original work, and I am solely responsible for the ideas expressed here. However, I would like to acknowledge the enormous influence of Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism, which serves as the theoretical basis of my work.