Robin Field

Mark Twain's Travels with Mr. Brown

Working as a journalist for the Alta California newspaper, Mark Twain was sent to Hawaii in 1866 and gained great respect for his reporting there. So in 1867 the paper sent him to New York by boat (through the Isthmus) for more travel letters. Here are the 26 weekly letters he wrote during that trip (accompanied by the imaginary Mr. Brown, who was created by Twain for humorous purposes).

Disc 1

  1. Away! • An Elopement Sensation • Noon 16th • Sequel to the Elopement • Another Sequel 18:13
  2. Isaac • Marriage of the Runaway Couple • Captain’s Speech • Scandal 16:50
  3. Last Night Was Magnificent 12:04
  4. First Death • Fall of the Isaac • Legend from the Captain • San Juan and Cholera • Ashore • Procession under Way • Masquerading on the Road • All Quiet Again 25:55

Disc 2

  1. Twin Mountains • Sandwiches • Grave of the Lost Steamer • Ancient Castillo • An Unpeopled Paradise • Bore • Sandwiches 17:07
  2. A Peopled Paradise • Nicaragua • Bore Conquered 10:07
  3. Under Way Again • Our Confounded Choir • Brown Delivered of a Joke • West Sou’-Wester • Monkey • Miss Slimmens • Cholera 20:55
  4. Key West • At Sea Again • Hilarity Restored • Legend of the Musket • Tale of the Bird • Gulf Stream • More Journalizing • Brown’s Log-Book • Safe at Last 26:13

Disc 3

  1. Overgrown Metropolis • Model Artists • All Dramadom Affected • Bewitching New Fashions • Century Club 18:37
  2. My Ancient Friends, the Police • Sunday Amusements • Henry Ward Beecher • Bishop Southgate’s Matinee • St. Albans • Vagaries of an Innocent • Stereotyping Machine 22:26
  3. Dreadful Russian Bath • Miss Anna Dickinson • What Six Years Have Wrought • Personal 23:33
  4. Grand European Pleasure Trip 5:49

Disc 4

  1. Rev. Mr. Twain • How Are the Mighty Fallen • Arabian Nights Repeated • Great Masquerade 17:20
  2. Happy • Unhappy • Insignificance in Office • Photograph of Pittsburgh • Californians • Sociables • Characteristic • Euchre Horns 19:05
  3. At Home Again • Where the Change Is • Steamboating • Female Sufferage • Preaching Again • Bad Government • Public Schools 21:02
  4. Notable Things in St. Louis • Up the Mississippi • Hannibal by a Native Historian • Jim Townsend’s Tunnel • Keokuk and Quincy 16:25

Disc 5

  1. Mormons • Bad Hotel but Gifted Porter • Marion City • Bound East Again • Progress and Prosperity • Personal 19:43
  2. Cruelty to Animals • Midnight Mission • Singular • Washington Second • Personal 14:48
  3. Jefferson Davis • Billy Fall • The Mencken • A Bit of History • Ristori 15:51
  4. Rev. Dr. Chapin • San Francisco Showmen 11:32
  5. Nuisance of Advice • Excise Law • Travellers’ Club 10:07

Disc 6

  1. Broadway Bridge • In the Station House • Personal Inquiry 14:48
  2. California Wines • Not Going to Paris? • New York Weather • Herald Personals • Information Wanted • Hotels • Personal 20:13
  3. For Christians to Read • Departments • Stitching Room 15:57
  4. Stitching Room (Concluded) • Missionary Business 11:25
  5. Blind Asylum 12:56

Disc 7

  1. What Blinded Them • Singular Instances • You’re a Fraud • Sut Lovingood • Bootblacks • Bootblack Scripturist 11:34
  2. Sex in New York • Harris • That Singular Shipwreck • Pressure • Blood • Information for the Cholera • Personal 25:02
  3. Academy of Design • Greeley and Jefferson • Foolishness • Forrest Divorce • Stewart’s Palace • Miscellaneous 24:37
  4. Domes of the Yosemite • Curious Book 13:30

Disc 8

  1. Street Livelihoods • A Character 8:04
  2. New York • Bridget Durgan • General Sutter • Indian Row • Great Temperance Picnic 23:03
  3. Harry Hill’s • Holy Land Excursion • Specimen Brick • Satisfied Curiosity • Life-Raft • To Whom It May Concern 21:33

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