Robin Field

Mark Twain’s Letters

Beginning with a brief biographical chapter by editor Albert Bigelow Paine, this collection of Mark Twain’s personal and professional letters was first published in 1917 in two volumes. From his earliest notes to his family at the age of 17, to his final instructions to his lawyer at the age of 74, these letters provide deep insight into the thoughts and opinions of one the most celebrated and beloved men in American history.

Disc 1

  1. Foreword • A Biographical Summary 21:01
  2. A Biographical Summary (Continued) 18:26
  3. A Biographical Summary (Concluded) 9:06
  4. Early Letters 1853 • New York and Philadelphia 26:08

Disc 2

  1. Letters 1853 (Concluded) 4:06
  2. Letters 1856-61 • Keokuk and the River • End of Piloting 20:39
  3. Letters 1856-61 (Continued) 22:06
  4. Letters 1856-61 (Concluded) 10:55
  5. Letters 1861-62 • On the Frontier • Mining Adventures • Journalistic Beginnings 17:59

Disc 3

  1. Letters 1861-62 (Continued) 24:53
  2. Letters 1861-62 (Continued) 20:41
  3. Letters 1861-62 (Concluded) 26:31

Disc 4

  1. Letters 1863-64 • “Mark Twain” • Comstock Journalism • Artemus Ward 25:53
  2. Letters 1864-66 • San Francisco and Hawaii 21:39
  3. Letters 1864-66 (Continued) 26:43

Disc 5

  1. Letters 1864-66 (Concluded) 11:09
  2. Letters 1866-67 • The Lecturer • Success on the Coast • In New York • The Great Ocean Excursion 23:05
  3. Letters 1867 • The Traveler • The Voyage of the Quaker City 20:51
  4. Letters 1867-68 • Washington and San Francisco • The Proposed Book of Travel • A New Lecture 20:25

Disc 6

  1. Letters 1867-68 (Concluded) 15:29
  2. Letters 1868-70 • Courtship and The Innocents Abroad 23:21
  3. Letters 1868-70 (Concluded) 24:19
  4. Letters 1870-71 • Mark Twain in Buffalo • Marriage • The Buffalo Express • Memoranda • Lectures • A New Book 11:43

Disc 7

  1. Letters 1870-71 (Continued) 20:16
  2. Letters 1870-71 (Concluded) 15:28
  3. Letters 1871-72 • Removal to Hartford • A Lecture Tour • Roughing It • First Letter to Howells 13:13
  4. Letters 1872-73 • Mark Twain in England • London Honors • Acquaintance with Dr. John Brown • A Lecture Triumph • The Gilded Age 26:23

Disc 8

  1. Letters 1872-73 (Concluded) 8:44
  2. Letters 1874 • Hartford and Elmira • A New Study • Beginning Tom Sawyer • The Sellers Play 19:49
  3. Letters 1874 (Concluded) 16:34
  4. Letters 1874 • Mississippi Chapters • Visits to Boston • A Joke on Aldrich 14:59
  5. Letters 1874 (Continued) 15:58

Disc 9

  1. Letters 1874 (Concluded) 2:30
  2. Letters from Hartford, 1875 • Much Correspondence with Howells 22:13
  3. Letters 1875 (Continued) 22:03
  4. Letters 1875 (Concluded) 20:05
  5. Letters 1876, Chiefly to Howells • Literature and Politics • Planning a Play with Bret Harte 11:01

Disc 10

  1. Letters 1876 (Continued) 23:44
  2. Letters 1876 (Concluded) 19:31
  3. Letters 1877 • To Bermuda with Twichell • Proposition to Thomas Nast • The Whittier Dinner 21:21
  4. Letters 1877 (Continued) 9:16

Disc 11

  1. Letters 1877 (Continued) 21:37
  2. Letters 1877 (Concluded) 16:31
  3. Letters from Europe, 1878-79 • Tramping with Twichell • Writing a New Travel Book • Life in Munich 21:32
  4. Letters 1878-79 (Continued) 14:56

Disc 12

  1. Letters 1878-79 (Continued) 16:33
  2. Letters 1878-79 (Concluded) 13:58
  3. Letters 1879 • Return to America • The Great Grant Reunion 18:45
  4. Letters 1879 (Continued) 25:32

Disc 13

  1. Letters 1879 (Continued) 18:23
  2. Letters 1879 (Concluded) 17:27
  3. Letters 1880, Chiefly to Howells • The Prince and the Pauper • Mark Twain Mugwump Society 20:10
  4. Letters 1880 (Continued) 18:13

Disc 14

  1. Letters 1880 (Concluded) 3:44
  2. Letters 1881, to Howells and Others • Assisting a Young Sculptor • Literary Plans 20:16
  3. Letters 1881 (Concluded) 25:11
  4. Letters 1882, Mainly to Howells • Wasted Fury • Old Scenes Revisited • The Mississippi Book 27:25

Disc 15

  1. Letters 1882 (Concluded) 11:50
  2. Letters 1883, to Howells and Others • A Guest of the Marquis of Lorne • The History Game • A Play by Howells and Mark Twain 25:42
  3. Letters 1884, to Howells and Others • Cable’s Great April Fool • Huck Finn in Press • Mark Twain for Cleveland • Clemens and Cable 21:02
  4. The Great Year of 1885 • Clemens and Cable • Publication of Huck Finn • The Grant Memoirs • Mark Twain at Fifty 15:52

Disc 16

  1. Letters 1885 (Continued) 21:43
  2. Letters 1885 (Concluded) 11:15
  3. Letters 1886-87 • Jane Clemens’s Romance • Unmailed Letters 21:49
  4. Letters 1886-87 (Concluded) 18:48

Disc 17

  1. Miscellaneous Letters of 1887 • Literary Articles • Peaceful Days at the Farm • Favorite Reading • Apology to Mrs. Cleveland 17:27
  2. Letters 1887 (Concluded) 12:58
  3. Letters 1888 • A Yale Degree • Work on The Yankee • On Interviewing 27:25
  4. Letters 1889 • The Machine • Death of Mr. Crane • Conclusion of The Yankee 18:34

Disc 18

  1. Letters 1889 (Continued) 23:50
  2. Letters 1889 (Concluded) 17:02
  3. Letters 1890, Chiefly to Joseph T. Goodman • The Great Machine Enterprise 26:17
  4. Letters 1891, to Howells, Mrs. Clemens and Others • Return to Literature • American Claimant • Leaving Hartford • Europe • Down the Rhine 8:30

Disc 19

  1. Letters 1891 (Continued) 25:37
  2. Letters 1891 (Concluded) 21:05
  3. Letters 1892, Chiefly to Mr. Hall and Mrs. Crane • In Berlin, Mentone, Bad-Nauheim, Florence 19:13
  4. Letters 1892 (Concluded) 13:01

Disc 20

  1. Letters 1893, to Mr. Hall, Mrs. Clemens and Others • Florence • Business Troubles • Pudd’nhead WilsonJoan of Arc • At the Players, New York 22:20
  2. Letters 1893 (Continued) 23:59
  3. Letters 1893 (Concluded) 18:20
  4. Letters 1894 • A Winter in New York • Business Failure • End of the Machine 10:16

Disc 21

  1. Letters 1894 (Continued) 19:57
  2. Letters 1894 (Concluded) 19:49
  3. Letters 1895-96, to H. H. Rogers and Others • Finishing Joan of Arc • The Trip around the World • Death of Susy Clemens 19:51
  4. Letters 1895-96 (Continued) 15:41

Disc 22

  1. Letters 1895-96 (Concluded) 14:51
  2. Letters 1897 • London, Switzerland, Vienna 19:01
  3. Letters 1897 (Concluded) 16:38
  4. Letters 1898, to Howells and Twichell • Life in Vienna • Payment of the Debts • Assassination of the Empress 23:24

Disc 23

  1. Letters 1898 (Concluded) 20:54
  2. Letters 1899, to Howells and Others • Vienna • London • A Summer in Sweden 19:33
  3. Letters 1899 (Concluded) 24:59
  4. Letters 1900, Mainly to Twichell • The Boer War • Boxer Troubles • The Return to America 9:35

Disc 24

  1. Letters 1900 (Concluded) 26:36
  2. Letters 1901, Chiefly to Twichell • Mark Twain as a Reformer • Summer at Saranac • Assassination of President McKinley 18:09
  3. Letters 1901 (Concluded) 18:07
  4. Letters 1902 • Riverdale • York Harbor • Illness of Mrs. Clemens 10:35

Disc 25

  1. Letters 1902 (Concluded) 22:25
  2. Letters 1903, to Various Persons • Hard Days at Riverdale • Last Summer at Elmira • Return to Italy 24:53
  3. Letters 1903 (Concluded) 19:37
  4. Letters 1904, to Various Persons • Life in Villa Quarto • Death of Mrs. Clemens • The Return to America 7:11

Disc 26

  1. Letters 1904 (Continued) 17:02
  2. Letters 1904 (Concluded) 23:27
  3. Letters 1905, to Twichell, Mr. Duneka and Others • Politics and Humanity • a Summer at Dublin • Mark Twain at 70 17:17
  4. Letters 1905 (Continued) 16:06

Disc 27

  1. Letters 1905 (Concluded) 21:29
  2. Letters 1906, to Various Persons • The Farewell Lecture • A Second Summer in Dublin • Billiards and Copyright 17:15
  3. Letters 1906 (Concluded) 18:45
  4. Letters 1907-08 • A Degree from Oxford • The New Home at Redding 15:27

Disc 28

  1. Letters 1907-08 (Continued) 20:36
  2. Letters 1907-08 (Concluded) 15:01
  3. Letters 1909, to Howells and Others • Life at Stormfield • Copyright Extension • Death of Jean Clemens 26:35

Disc 29

  1. Letters 1910 • Last Trip to Bermuda • Letters to Paine • The Last Letter 15:36
  2. “The Last Day at Stormfield” (Poem by Bliss Carman) 4:45

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