Robin Field

Mark Twain’s Autobiography

Twain decided that his autobiography should not be chronological or structured in any way. It isn’t. He dictated most of it during his last few years, prohibiting its publication until well after his death. He died in 1910 at the age of 74. Although several chapters appeared in a magazine in 1906, it wasn’t published in book form until 1923 (as presented here).

Disc 1

  1. Preface, Early Fragments • The Tennessee Land • Early Years in Florida, Missouri 20:40
  2. The Grant Dictations: The Chicago GAR Festival 14:01
  3. Grant and the Chinese • A Call with W. D. Howells on General Grant 15:03
  4. About General Grant’s Memoirs 15:43
  5. About General Grant’s Memoirs (Continued) 10:26

Disc 2

  1. About General Grant’s Memoirs (Continued) 15:49
  2. About General Grant’s Memoirs (Concluded) 16:29
  3. Gerhardt and the Grant Bust 20:30
  4. The Rev. Dr. N— Visits General Grant 4:13
  5. The Machine Episode 18:45

Disc 3

  1. Early Days 12:24
  2. Early Days (Continued) 15:46
  3. Early Days (Continued) 14:23
  4. Early Days (Continued) 12:30
  5. Early Days (Concluded) 20:15

Disc 4

  1. Jane Lampton Clemens 21:59
  2. Playing Bear, Herrings 20:23
  3. Jim Wolf and the Cats 18:33
  4. Macfarlane 8:40

Disc 5

  1. Old Lecture Days in Boston 13:55
  2. Ralph Keeler 21:18
  3. Beauties of the German Language • A Viennese Procession • Comment on Tautology and Grammar 23:35
  4. Private History of a Manuscript That Came to Grief 11:39

Disc 6

  1. Private History (Concluded) 22:41
  2. Villa Quarto 16:13
  3. Villa Quarto (Continued) 19:17
  4. Villa Quarto (Continued) 19:01

Disc 7

  1. Villa Quarto (Continued) 20:47
  2. Villa Quarto (Concluded) 11:22
  3. A Memory of John Hay 12:50
  4. Notes on Innocents Abroad 18:29
  5. Stevenson, Aldrich, Etc. 8:23

Disc 8

  1. Henry H. Rogers 12:45
  2. Henry H. Rogers (Concluded) 19:23
  3. Mr. Clemens to Mr. Paine 19:29
  4. The Morris Incident 14:01
  5. The Morris Incident (Concluded) 12:20

Disc 9

  1. My Seventieth Birthday 16:27
  2. The Dream 11:41
  3. Piety 18:41
  4. Reverend Dr. Burton 11:19
  5. More on the Morris Incident 15:15

Disc 10

  1. John Malone 19:45
  2. About General Sickles 18:57
  3. Senator Tillman 11:16
  4. About Dueling 23:41

Disc 11

  1. About a Meeting at Carnegie Hall 12:33
  2. The Character of Man 15:58
  3. James G. Blaine 19:24
  4. Mr. Twichell’s Unpopular Vote 6:25
  5. My Wife Passed 15:31
  6. Death of Suzy Clemens 6:12

Disc 12

  1. Suzy Clemens (Continued) 19:14
  2. Suzy Clemens (Continued) 15:02
  3. Suzy Clemens (Concluded) 15:13
  4. Playing The Prince and the Pauper 12:11
  5. Suzy Clemens’s Biography of Her Father 13:36

Disc 13

  1. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 5:57
  2. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 20:59
  3. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 15:55
  4. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 16:18
  5. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 13:41

Disc 14

  1. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 13:17
  2. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 10:18
  3. Suzy’s Biography (Concluded) 5:42
  4. About Rear-Admiral Wilkes 12:46
  5. Mr. Langdon 4:15
  6. Suzy’s Biography (Resumed) 14:06
  7. How I Became a Business Man 8:20
  8. Suzy’s Biography (Resumed) 6:32

Disc 15

  1. Suzy’s Biography (Continued) 19:36
  2. Mrs. Clemens’s Warning 16:24
  3. Grover Cleveland 12:56
  4. Suzy’s Biography (Resumed) 12:47
  5. The Original Huckleberry Finn 16:01

Disc 16

  1. Schoolmates 12:52
  2. Killing in the Philippines 18:57
  3. Killing in the Philippines (Concluded) 7:59
  4. I Talk to the YMCA 12:58
  5. Mr. Twichell’s Story 11:09
  6. More Schoolmates 11:02

Disc 17

  1. More Schoolmates (Concluded) 9:42
  2. The Players 16:47
  3. Suzy’s Biography (Resumed) 15:51
  4. Postal Mix-Up 11:00
  5. Newspaper Clippings 13:04
  6. Newspaper Clippings (Concluded) 12:23

Disc 18

  1. Employment Scheme 22:16
  2. Orion Clemens 15:09
  3. Orion Clemens (Continued) 15:15
  4. Orion Clemens (Concluded) 19:12

Disc 19

  1. Tchaykoffsky, Helen Keller 19:13
  2. Helen Keller (Concluded) 5:49
  3. I Begin Journalistic Life 14:27
  4. The Morris Case Again 13:14
  5. Ellen Terry, Orion Clemens 18:45

Disc 20

  1. Orion’s Death 14:07
  2. Letters about Huckleberry Finn 16:14
  3. Letters about Huckleberry Finn (Concluded) 17:50
  4. Lecture at Cooper Institute 18:22

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